Innovation, Strategy & Leadership

James Henningson

Innovation, leadership and rapid prototyping.

Designing scalable and supportable innovations that solve customer needs and drive business forward.

Work Samples

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Smiles

Facial Recognition and Augmented Reality with a direct social media integration.

Successfully raised awareness of Wells Fargo's community engagement through a positive brand experience.

MillerCoors NFC Craft Beer Board

NFC and QR codes designed to give the customer a better beer experience, the bar a premium product and guarantee tap handles for MillerCoors.

CVS_Smart_Mirror_POC (2).mp4

CVS Smart Mirror

A beauty aisle Smart Mirror designed to build basket at CVS by providing real value to the shopper.

Nissan - AI Pitch (1).mp4

Nissan Smart Sales Assistant

A cross-platform Voice Assistant that aides the shopper throughout the shopping and purchase process.

Nomophobia Charging Coaster

The fear of not having a charge on your phone is a growing driver for not going out for a happy hour. The charging coaster was designed to directly address the decrease in happy hours.

Starbucks voice display.mp4

Starbucks Scaleable Voice at Shelf

IoT voice tools on Raspberry Pi to provide an on aisle barista for Starbucks at grocery stores in a way that's both scalable and affordable.

Event Shadow

IoT hardware and Bluetooth to measure traffic by zone at events and popup stores. Provides data about both interactions and brand impressions at a level not previously possible.

Purina Pet Facial Recognition

Leveraging the Google Cloud Vision API and the PetFinder API to improve the process of pet adoption.

pabst demo.mp4

Pabst Blue Ribbon Art Augmented Reality

Using Augmented Reality to put Pabst's long history of supporting art directly into shoppers hands.

ExxonMobil Trade Show Kiosk Platform

Improve the ability to showcase product at industry events while reducing cost and improving scalability.

Philanthropic Work

Plan Layout rev Alyson.pdf

Dallas Makerspace Expansion Design

Designed an managed the expansion of the Dallas Makerspace from 14,700 sqft to 36,400 sqft.

Implemented ADA design standards to improve accessibility and expanded the capabilities of all 16 labs and workshops.

Dallas Stars Makerspace Partner Promo

Partnered with the Dallas Stars to produce promo videos for the 2020 Winter Classic game in Dallas.